Cerebral palsy is a health condition in which movement, muscle tone and motor skills are affected. It affects both children and adults. Both cerebral palsy in children and in adults can also cause other health problems such as problems in vision, hearing, speech and learning. Brain damage that happens before or during birth is known to cause cerebral palsy. However, adults can suffer from cerebral palsy. Let’s talk more about adult cerebral palsy.

An adult with cerebral palsy may have trouble with coordination and having control over his or her muscles. For instance, simply standing in one place can be difficult for someone who has the cerebral disorder. Even breathing, eating and bladder control can be affected. The main thing that a person with cerebral palsy goes through is losing brain control over his or her own movement.

The exact cause of cerebral palsy is not yet known to this date. Researchers in the medical field have yet to prove exactly what causes the cerebral disorder to develop in the first place. However, there have been factors known to possibly trigger the development of the disorder. For instance, research indicates that the scarcity of oxygen during pregnancy contributes to the development of cerebral palsy in the child. This is especially indicative among pregnant women who consume alcohol and smoke cigarettes on a regular basis. Other studies have shown that cerebral palsy can be caused by certain conditions of the blood that eventually lead to jaundice and finally, to cerebral palsy.

Whatever the cause may be adults tend to ignore certain symptoms that might indicate adult cerebral palsy. Many brush symptoms off as signs of aging. Common symptoms of cerebral palsy in adults are speech difficulties, being unaware of making certain facial expressions and drooling.

Symptoms do depend on the type of cerebral palsy a patient has. The types of cerebral palsy include spastic, athetoid, ataxic and mixed. Adults who feel they may have cerebral palsy or experience unusual symptoms should consult their doctors, as cerebral palsy can be treated and maintained even if there is no cure for it.

So how can adult cerebral palsy be treated? After proper diagnosis by a doctor a multidisciplinary team of health care professionals will often be asked to treat you according to your specific concerns and health requirements. Orthopedists, physical therapists and speech and language pathologists are just a few members of the team who will administer overall treatment. Generally, a patient may receive physical therapy, speech therapy, psychotherapy and medication for optimum results.

If you have adult cerebral palsy, it shouldn’t stop you from living a healthy and good quality life. Adult cerebral palsy has affected many adults because of issues at work, about guardianship and about estate planning. If you have any legal matter you want to settle surrounding your condition you can always consult a lawyer. And as mentioned earlier, there’s no way to cure cerebral palsy, but symptoms can definitely be kept at bay. Cerebral palsy isn’t known to get worse overtime. However, it can interfere with your daily activities based on your individual level of tolerance. Check with your doctor for more information or treatment options.

Cerebral Palsy Therapy Tip #1

Get Help – Taking care of someone with cerebral palsy is a lot of hard work. Occasionally you have to take a break and spend some time alone. Ask family and friends for help and teach them how to do what you do so you can get away for a while.

Cerebral Palsy Therapy Tip #2

Stay Positive – Cerebral palsy is not a disease and will not get progressively worse. Accepting the condition for what it is and keeping a positive outlook will make life easier for you and the person you are caring for.